Girls*Heart* Books: 'Kojiki' by Keith Yatsuhashi Tour- This or That Interview with Keith & Giveaway

Saturday, August 24, 2013

'Kojiki' by Keith Yatsuhashi Tour- This or That Interview with Keith & Giveaway

Keith Yatsuhashi was nice enough to answer some fun questions for us :) 

*Coffee or Tea?

Tea. I’m partial to Rooibos, though I only drink it when it’s cold outside. Of course, I’ll go for the hot chocolate before either one.

*Ebook or Paperback?

Ebook. As much as I love the feel of a book, the ebook is so convenient. Also, it’s harder to ‘flip’ through an ebook. I’m a flipper. Spoiled many a book that way :)

*Angels or Demons?


*Book or Movie?

Book. Not too long ago, I would have answered ‘movie’. But books keep getting better and movies keep getting staler. It’s easier to find a good book than it is to find a good movie.

*Spring or Autumn?

Spring! I love to play golf. Autumn means golf season is almost over.

*Chocolate or Vanilla?

Chocolate. I do like vanilla ice cream, but mostly that’s with chocolate sauce.

*New Adult or Young Adult?

I don’t really have a preference, so long as the story’s good ;)

*Vampires or Werewolves?

I’m kinda tired of both.

*Batman or Superman?

Superman. Who wouldn’t want to be invincible :)

*Buffy or Veronica Mars?

Buffy--a thousand times Buffy. The show has a language all it’s own. So smart, so funny. So great.

*Sing or Dance? 

Dance. I just don’t have the voice for singing.

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