Girls*Heart* Books: 'Why My Love Life Sucks' by Shevi Arnold Tour-Playlist and Giveaway

Sunday, June 9, 2013

'Why My Love Life Sucks' by Shevi Arnold Tour-Playlist and Giveaway

So I’ve been asked to come up with 10 songs to mend a geek’s broken heart. I thought about it long and hard. I came up blank.

You see, there’s a contradiction between being a geek and breakup songs.

Being a geek is about love. It’s about being so in love with something that you feel the need to shout it from the rooftops, and you don’t care what anyone else thinks. You want Doctor Who to pick you as his next companion. You want to tell Hans Solo, “I love you,” and you want him to reply, “I know.” You want to be Link rescuing Zelda. You want to be chosen to join Starfleet or the Avengers. You want to fly on the Serenity with Captain Mal. You’re still hoping for your invitation to Hogwarts. It doesn’t really matter what it is you love. What makes you a geek is that you geeking LOVE it. That thing makes you happy just to daydream about it.

Breakup songs aren’t about love. They’re about bad feelings. They’re about sadness and anger and jealousy and the end of love.

So how could there possibly be a breakup song for geeks?

And it’s not that geeks don’t experience breakups. Of course, we do. And we have the thing we geeking love to console us.  

Take me, for example. I would eat my favorite ice cream, Godiva Dark Belgian Chocolate, and watch my favorite movie, The Princess Bride, about a dozen times. And at about the ninth or tenth time I would realize there’s a Westley out there waiting for his Buttercup, and I am that Buttercup.  

I could give you a list of soundtracks you could listen to, but I don’t think that would really mend a broken heart. Not unless the thing you’re geeky about is soundtracks, in which case, cool.

So instead I’m going to give you the unofficial soundtrack for my funny, geek-centric YA novel: Why My Love Life Sucks. You see, I love all kinds of storytelling, including movies and TV shows, and I sometimes envision my stories in those mediums--with soundtracks and everything.

So here are ten of the songs I hear when I think of certain scenes and characters from the book. Enjoy!

Why My Love Life Sucks soundtrack to the TV version in my brain:

Intro: “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life” by Eric Idle (Monty Python)
Chapter one: “Breakeven” by The Script.
Chapter three (Amber): “She’s So High Above Me” by Tal Bachman
Chapter three: “I’m Going to Go Back There Someday” (Gonzo’s Song from The Muppet Movie, with clips from Life on Mars, cover version by Paula Jarvis)
Chapter four: “Crazy” by Seal
Chapter five: “I Gotta Feeling” by the Black Eyed Peas (Oprah show flash-mob version)
Chapter 10: “Galaxies” by Owl City
Chapter 12: “D & D” by Stephen Lynch
Chapter 16: “Fix You” by Coldplay
Epilogue: “May It Be” by Enya from The Lord of the Rings soundtrack

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